As a kid it seemed that I played non-stop with Legos, Tinkertoys, Lincoln Logs, Erector Set and Girder & Panel (think pre K’nex). My mother thought I would be an engineer when I grew up because I always liked to build things. I was heartbroken when I found out that they didn’t actually get their hands dirty building things because that’s the part I love the most. Henceforth the phrase – “Good with hands.”

Along with being skilled in many home repair/improvement areas, I also have a creative and artistic side. (Please see the hand made copper chandeliers with Swarovski crystals along with the mosaic tile designs in the Photo Gallery.) This meshes well with my “problem solving” personality and creates a win-win situation for you.

I have chosen da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” as my logo because it symbolizes what a true renaissance person should be – well versed and talented across several fields. This is what I strive for every day in my goal to be Philly’s best handyman.